Register panaloko member account is very simple. If you have any questions, you can read the following article carefully so that you can register an account within 30 seconds.It only takes 3 steps to complete the registration.
Step 1: Visit the Panaloko official website and you will see the “Register” button

1. Please by clicking to visit the registration links
2. Click the “REGISTER” button above.
Step 2: Fill in the information according to the website registration requirements.

1. Please provide your REAL DETAILS, so registering here is error-free in future withdrawals or if the password is forgotten.
2. Username / Password, all this needs to be set by yourself at registration.
Username:Username must contain 5-16 letters and numbers with no spaces
For Example:
✅panaloko ✅PKO1234
❌pana loko ❌PKO 1234
Password:Please enter the correct password containing at least 6 letters and numbers.
For example:
✅panaloko123 ✅pko12340
❌panaloko ❌pko 12340
Mobile Number:Input ONLY 11 digit numbers
For example:
✅09111111111 ✅09111111111
❌639111111111 ❌00111111111
Verification Code:Fill in the number that the system displays in the white box.
For example:
The box next to it shows 5597, then fill in 5597
Register Panaloko Step 3: Fill in phone number

1.Click and agree “I agree.I Win Terms and Conditions”
2.Click the “Register” button and you’re DONE